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Why is Cloak not working?

Jun 13, 2010
I have been trying to use the spell Cloak. When ever I use it on one of my spells like Fire Blade or Spirit Armor It just skips my turn, takes my pips, and after that with the cloaked Spirit Armor it just doesn't put it on me at all it just wastes my turn, pips, card slots, and I still take the damage.

Nov 24, 2012
Does the spell still cast when it takes your pips?

I have a different problem with the Cloak spell. Sometimes it will not cloak the charm or shield at all. Other times it will only cloak one shield; for example, if I were to cast a Volcanic shield (-70% to next and ), it will only cloak the Storm shield but not the Fire.

Jun 07, 2013
Well, I had a similar problem, but it just eventually stopped. I think it was a glitch carried with the new update. Just give it some time, and it should work just fine. Hope this helped!


Balance does not have specific traps or blades because it is the center of all magic.

Feb 27, 2015
Cody Flame on Nov 25, 2015 wrote:
I have been trying to use the spell Cloak. When ever I use it on one of my spells like Fire Blade or Spirit Armor It just skips my turn, takes my pips, and after that with the cloaked Spirit Armor it just doesn't put it on me at all it just wastes my turn, pips, card slots, and I still take the damage.
i have the same problem :(