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Wandering Aimlessly

Jan 25, 2010
Yesterday I was just walking and my quest arrow froze
for the rest of the day I was walking around aimlessly, relying on the map.
I tried to reset but it didnt work. Someone please help?

Jan 01, 2010
Mine disappeared the other day too. It wasn't toggled off because I could see the text of my quest but no arrow showing direction. Tried toggling on and off but no change. Fortunately I was taking my sixth wizard through Mooshu so pretty much knew where to go. Would suggest submitting a bug if the problem remains. Good luck!

Mar 12, 2010
There is a bug with the quest helper arrow. I have sent a few bug reports to support on this, and just yesterday they came back to me and said that "they are aware of the problem, and they are working on this trying to find a fix for it". For me, sometimes the arrow disappeared (but the words for the quest still showed like addisoncrawford said). And sometimes it would point me in the wrong direction. This happened a few times in the Grand Chasm. I had to end up relying on my map to get to my quests.

In the meantime, you should send a bug report to support@wizard101.com.

They said that it helps if you give them the name of the quest / quests that you were working on when this happened. Also give them your username and your character's name.

Jan 25, 2010