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Unable to Buy Crowns With My Prepaid Card?

Jan 25, 2009
Hello KI! There's a problem. For my birthday, I got an American Express Target prepaid credit card. I went on your W101 website (this one) to buy crowns with this card, put in ALL of the credit card information, and the error was something like "Sorry, but there was an error with your payment. We apologize for the inconvenience." Was this just a normal error, or can you not buy crowns with a prepaid credit card? Please help!

Justin Titanwaith, Level 70 Pyromancer

If the card is in fact a prepaid American Express that you purchased AT Target, then you need to call the phone number on the back of the card to enable it for online use.

If the card is a card that is only for use AT Target, then you cannot use it anywhere else.
