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tweet codes

Mar 05, 2011
Twice now I've gotten the message when putting in the code from Twitter that I won, then it told me that the prize was already claimed. Either the process for claiming the code needs to be a one step process so people don't get cheated, or you need to add more codes. The way you have it going now is completely unfair.

Mar 05, 2011
tonym144 wrote:
Twice now I've gotten the message when putting in the code from Twitter that I won, then it told me that the prize was already claimed. Either the process for claiming the code needs to be a one step process so people don't get cheated, or you need to add more codes. The way you have it going now is completely unfair.

Ok, now I know something fishy is going on. I got the code in 6 seconds and someone had already redeemed it. I'm not exaggerating either, it was 6 seconds. So either someone is using a bot or something to do it, or they are saying they are doing the codes and automatically blocking them. Either way, I'm done with the cheating. There's too many other free games out there to waste my time combating dishonesty.

That's just it tonym144, they're free games, you're welcome to play the games yourself directly on KIFreeGames.com

The reason for Tweeting out codes was to get people interested in going to the website and playing the games for themselves. No bots are being used, as we are monitoring who redeems and how quickly, and as we replied on Twitter,

"13 seconds actually - sent Monday June 20, 2011 @ 1:20:30 PM redeemed @ 1:20:43.0 - keep trying!"

I'm sorry you're upset about not getting the free codes, but as I said, you can earn your own codes by spending time playing the games on KIFreeGames.com
