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Totally Weird Housing Glitch

Oct 17, 2008
Okay, so this is the strangest glitch I have seen in my ENTIRE life on any computer game or video game. Never has anything like this happened to me before.

I wasn't really there for the first part, since it was my sister, Rowan Willowleaf, who encountered the glitch. But she got some really great screenshots and told the story from those.

It started as a normal day on Unicorn Way. What she was doing there as a level 38 Theurgist, I do not know. All she did was simply teleport to her dorm room, nothing interesting. However, when she appeared in her room, which is the default style with a few furnishings, she had a few unexpected guests. Clockwork Golems that were frozen in mid-air walk were surrounding her, her floor was bright pink, and none of her furnishings were to be seen. It was then that she called to me while I was playing one of my favorite video games. During my delayed enterance, the program realized that the room was not supposed to be pink and it changed into her regular leaf-cover floor. But the Clockworks remained, and her furniture never returned.

She strolled around the room, walking in to some of the Clockworks to see if they would do anything. But they still just stood there. My sister then took out her stuff to see if she could cover them up, but then she exclaimed, "This is not my stuff!" Indeed it wasn't. To my amazement she pulled out picture frames and furniture pieces I had never seen before. She was so stunned that she didn't even bother placing one in her house; I still wonder what would have happened if she had.

Finally, tired of seeing so many intruders in her home, she re-teleported to her dorm. Luckily, the Clockwork Golems disappeared and her funiture came back. But to her dismay, she found herself stuck in her Life School Desk from her level 38 spell quest. As hard as she tried, she could not escape. Just when she thought she had gotten out, the desk pulled her back in.

Now she was almost amused, so she called to one of her friends. He teleported to her, and now he was also stuck. After fooling around in it for a little, Rowan decided that this had been enough and with her items returned, she moved the desk away from her and she escaped.

Really, this was so amazing and creepy at the same time. One possible explanation could be based on what my friend Sydney Jadehammer has been telling me. She claims that the Lost Souls in Unicorn Way have been replaced with translucent Clockwork Golem monsters. When my sister teleported away from Unicorn Way, the OLD kind of Lost Souls had surrounded her. Since apparently she hadn't heard the rumor from Sydney that there were Clockworks instead of ghosts, she was stunned to believe that they had made it all the way from Golem Court. Could it be that the game fixed itself while she was teleporting away, so the Lost Souls turned into their real selves and stayed in her room? Personally, I have never seen the new Lost Souls... is this true?

Another question: Has anyone else had this happen to them? Sorry, I wrote a lot. Just wanted to put as much information here as possible. I also have screenshots, but I don't know if you can put them here.