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The Labyrinth Dragonspyre Dungeon Errors

Sep 12, 2010
In the Labyrinth in Dragonspyre there are a couple errors; when you have to fight the three bosses out in the map itself the arrows are completely wrong, the map is somewhat correct but the arrows don't point to the right direction. Then for another boss where you have to walk to him and the arrow is messed up but the map is right, same as the three bosses quest. Also there is an error with the final part of the dungeon where if you teleport into the room to defeat the final boss you can't finish the dungeon, you have to restart it and beat it again. You have to walk into that final room to beat the boss and then you can do it but if you don't walk in then you can't beat it when you are doing it with a party. Aside from the arrows and that final quest in the dungeon, there are no other errors. It would be nice if they were fixed, just something minor though, but I feel like other dungeons might have this issue too.