Several spells' damage is obscured in certain spells that create a "ground" in the duel circle. I have seen this with Chimera in particular, could occur with others too.
I've noticed a number of new Bugs/Glitches and other minor errors since the recent game update, they are as follows:
- Blades and traps still often appear very dark.
- The graphic effect on DOT spells that shows which DOT spell is causing damage no longer appears.
- The Massive Fantasy Palace preview option does not work.
- The Dark Fairy in the Rattlebones boss fight on unicorn way still has the old health value.
- Blades and Traps look the same here
- DOT graphics working fine here
- It's only a one day sale anyways
- That has been the same on all worlds when they lower mob health, at least it was that way on Azteca and Avalon. Minions in Boss fights aren't always the same as street mobs.
I've noticed that the teleporter from Bastion to Tiryan Gorge is glitched. When in Bastion, the teleporter say Moon Cliffs, not Tiryan Gorge. Also, when you use the teleporter, you appear not at the teleporter in Tiryan Gorge, but by the doors to the Silent Market.