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Re-Do The Pricing System Please?

Jun 30, 2009
I know this was probably discussed already like a billion times. but the more i think about it the more it should be applied to the crown paying system.(Seriously)

First off,i notice like so many loyal players of the game who need that extra 500 crowns or that extra 1000 crowns but hate to spend that $5 to get something they could have save instead. so it would be nice to see alittle change in the payment plan system.

500 Crowns for $1 ($1 = 500 Crowns)
1000 Crowns for $2 ($1 = 500 Crowns)
2500 Crowns for $5 ($1 = 500 Crowns)
5000 Crowns for $10 ($1 = 500 Crowns)
13750 Crowns for $25 ($1 = 550 Crowns)
30000 Crowns for $50 ($1 = 600 Crowns)
60000 Crowns for $80 ($1 = 750 Crowns)

Besides i believe alot of players (Young and Old) would appreciate the consideration by the Owners(Admin,Mods) if they implement this plan and i believe they would get alot of folks spending. whats a buck? or two? besides its good family business for both parties.

I don't know who the owners are but my suggestion is:Think about it.

Any thoughts or comments is appreciated thanks everyone!

your Death Wizard friend
Christopher Deathbringer
Level 21 Adept

I do hope seriously that this becomes reality. (believe me you'll see positive results Owners/Admins/Mods)