I was so excited I received a Raven mount but then I got on it... I was wondering if there was anything in the works to fix the Raven mount's camera angle? I can't see my wizard and it makes dodging baddies pretty difficult.
I thought this too. For me, it doesn't seem to matter what resolution I use, all I can see are talons and tail feathers. The mount, itself, is probably my favorite looking of any mount, I just wish I could see more of it.
I was so excited I received a Raven mount but then I got on it... I was wondering if there was anything in the works to fix the Raven mount's camera angle? I can't see my wizard and it makes dodging baddies pretty difficult.
Thanks, C. Icebringer.
You can use the scroll on your mouse to move the camera angle out... but honestly it doesn't help that much. I love the mount and we've been asking KI to fix this almost since the pack first came out. Since they haven't, I don't use it and it sits in one of my houses.
You can use the scroll on your mouse to move the camera angle out... but honestly it doesn't help that much. I love the mount and we've been asking KI to fix this almost since the pack first came out. Since they haven't, I don't use it and it sits in one of my houses.
Same here. I really loved the look of the mount until I used it. Looking at that bird's butt got old really fast. Now it just guards my courtyard of my castle. I was having trouble seeing where I was going anyway. The hawk mount is much better designed and I can, for the most part, see quite fine when using it. I wish that when we stopped our wizard that the mount would land and close their wings. On the owl, it would land but never close it's wings and always reminded me of a bird with broken wings. These flying bird mounts are so beautiful, I just hope they learn from these mistakes and really make an awesome one that I can stop, have it land and close it's wings so I can see what is going on, then when it flys on, I have a much better view that birdy tush. .