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Problem In Wysteria

Sep 29, 2011
I am having a HUGE problem in Wysteria. I even sent a bug report but nothing happened. I can't enter doors. I went near a shop in PigsWick Academy and tried to enter but could not. And when I returned to the Spiral Door, the professor who was standing there disappeared. I could not teleport or go home. I had to restart it and go home. But when I opened my account in my friend's house ( Real Life ) it all worked correctly. Is there a problem with my Login Window or something ? ( Both mine and my friend's Wizard101 are U.S. Versions )
:( :( :x :( :(

Sep 22, 2010
Strawberina55 wrote:
I am having a HUGE problem in Wysteria. I even sent a bug report but nothing happened. I can't enter doors. I went near a shop in PigsWick Academy and tried to enter but could not. And when I returned to the Spiral Door, the professor who was standing there disappeared. I could not teleport or go home. I had to restart it and go home. But when I opened my account in my friend's house ( Real Life ) it all worked correctly. Is there a problem with my Login Window or something ? ( Both mine and my friend's Wizard101 are U.S. Versions )
:( :( :x :( :(

Well maybe your bug log wasn't detailed enough resend with more details like what char....were when how

Thanks For Reading