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Plz tell me i can get my stuff back!!!

Sep 27, 2010
I woke up from a nightmare so I decided to play the game.. and treated myself to a "new " wooden cottage home...OMG i forgot to empty my dorm of all of my stuff including pets and furnture which got my heard beating hard once again!!! Plz Plz tell me there is a way to get my bed, crafting table study ... household items and pets back!!! Plz...

Wake up from flashbacks and end up in a nightmare when I brought it

When you are on your private Island, you can return to your Dorm Room by pressing the "Go Home" button. There you can choose to 'Pick up All', and remove the items from your Dorm and place them in your new house.
Often people prefer to keep all their crafting tables in their dorm to keep their house less cluttered.

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Jul 04, 2009
You don't lose your Dorm Room when you buy a house.

You can revisit your Dorm Room in one of 2 ways. If you are already at your house, you can just hit the "Go Home" button like Zeke said. The other option is to just go to Ravenwood and enter your Dorm Room normally.

Aug 21, 2009
If you click on your house to de-select it, your default home is your dorm. As long as no home is selected you can use your dorm room same as always. There is no reason for you to take everything out of your dorm if you spent a lot of time and effort to make your dorm into a place you enjoy having.

Sep 23, 2010
i had the same issue when i moved (without the nightmares lol) so thanks for the info Prospector Zeke :P