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Please Move The Cancel Button

Apr 10, 2013
This is terrible annoying in my personal opinion, and I'm not sure if others share the same expierence. It seems like every time I write a well organized, meaningful, and thougful message on here I accidentally hit the Cancel Button, when I am trying to "watch this topic for replies." If you look at the bottom left hand corner of the page where you can submit response and post topics, you might notice how oddly close these two buttons are and it drives me crazy! And for a guy who reads and posts comments on most topics on my phone, it is nothing short of frustrating. I know it is such a minor detail but Kingsisle please either move them apart or add a "are you sure you want do this screen" when Cancel is tapped on. As I write this I am going to hit the "watch topic for replies" tab with extreme caution to avoid deleting this entire paragraph.