So I started doing pet derby very recently and I did very well. I had 17 1st place wins and 4 2nd place wins, nothing worse! Anywhom, my pet has the derby ability "Spiffy Pop" which for all who are not aware allows you to teleport to the next pet ahead of you. Well turns out if you use this ability, and the next pet ahead of you just so happens to be on the next lap ahead of you, you will not be credited for going onto your next lap. I'm very bothered by this considering I finished the race in almost 6 minutes and came in 4th place for the first and may I say the last time. I hope someone at the development table may take some time off of their of so very busy schedule to look into this, and hopefully get it right, because for now, I am done with this pet.
Best regards, anyone and everyone that has "earned" this corrupt ability.