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Overwhelming Strawman Garden Spell

Jul 01, 2009
I recently got the new Strawman spell that takes care of rank 6 pests (and lower) for 48 hours. The problem with it is that its very overwhelming.... literally. The figures almost completely cover my EMP plants, and the they are so tall that they cover up the needs too. I have to go into my garden to check the needs, and even then I'm not sure I got all of them. Basically, it looks like I'm growing scarecrows, not EMPs.

Possibly you could make the scarecrows the size of the pets? Maybe you could make it look like just one big scarecrow that stands protectively over the garden after the circle is cast? Idk, those are just a couple of thoughts.

Mar 23, 2011

Still like this. I was so excited to get the spell because, well, how great the effect. But the huge scarecrows obscure the plants and most important the plants' needs.
Perhaps a more unique illustration, smaller, a wicker man gliding along at the base?