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Odd Censorship

Jul 27, 2011
I find it funny that even for open chat, certain things are censored. How can I talk about my slowpoke sloth when sloth is censored even for open? And slowpoke or poke is censored for text speak.

Why is Malorn AshThorn's last name censored, even for open? Ashthorn... death student in ravenwood for those wondering.

Not only that, but a lot of NPC names are censored for text chat and sometimes open. It makes no sense, in my opinion, seeing as they're a part of the game.

Seth NightFlame95

Apr 05, 2012
Mello Lily on Apr 6, 2014 wrote:
I find it funny that even for open chat, certain things are censored. How can I talk about my slowpoke sloth when sloth is censored even for open? And slowpoke or poke is censored for text speak.

Why is Malorn AshThorn's last name censored, even for open? Ashthorn... death student in ravenwood for those wondering.

Not only that, but a lot of NPC names are censored for text chat and sometimes open. It makes no sense, in my opinion, seeing as they're a part of the game.

Seth NightFlame95
they think your swearing

Jan 05, 2014
Lots of players, myself included, find the chat restrictions in this game highly annoying, but I doubt you are going to get KI to change anything. They feel filtering chat essential to maintain their "family friendly" environment.

At the other extreme, I came to wizard101 after spending years playing Eve online, which fosters a notoriously PvP playstyle. Blowing up other people's ships and taking their stuff is rather mild compared to some of the abuse that gets tossed around in Eve chat. I do find it a bit refreshing to play a game where every third name in the chat channel doesn't refer to someone's sex organs.

Jun 04, 2010
Mello Lily on Apr 6, 2014 wrote:
I find it funny that even for open chat, certain things are censored. How can I talk about my slowpoke sloth when sloth is censored even for open? And slowpoke or poke is censored for text speak.

Why is Malorn AshThorn's last name censored, even for open? Ashthorn... death student in ravenwood for those wondering.

Not only that, but a lot of NPC names are censored for text chat and sometimes open. It makes no sense, in my opinion, seeing as they're a part of the game.

Seth NightFlame95
This game has a long history of people finding creative ways around the filters. I still find myself saying things like "oh emma gee" (I personally find that hysterical) around the house which comes directly from text chat here. If the word is filtered, then someone found a way around filters and after reviewing the logs KI has found that it has become a popular way of expressing things that my violate the terms of use. If it won't let you type it, just try adding a space such as "Ash Thorn". That usually breaks it up a point that won't trigger a filter.

Jul 27, 2011
True, I realise that this is in place because of swearing and such. But doing it to the point of blocking NPC names, and even for open, is still odd, in my opinion.

KI should come up with better names if they're just going to block the names anyway.

Jun 04, 2010
Mello Lily on Apr 13, 2014 wrote:
True, I realise that this is in place because of swearing and such. But doing it to the point of blocking NPC names, and even for open, is still odd, in my opinion.

KI should come up with better names if they're just going to block the names anyway.
It probably isn't on purpose. In fact, since this thread has notified KI of it, they may add a correction. Its just very difficult to filter for letter combinations and simultaneously preserve "good" words or names that have some of those letter combinations in them.