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no! i will never get to marleybone now!

Mar 13, 2011
Ok so i leveled up to 30 thats the level when i am supposed to go to MarleyBone right? Well Merle called me and i was so excited to go to MarleyBone! but then i come up to him he wont give me the quest to MarleyBone! i was very disappointed because i got a quest from my teacher for Life (Mullinda Wu) so i needed to go there fast! i wanted to get my new spell that i might get! so thats my glitch have any of you players have had this? And proffesors Please write back, Thanks! :D

julia88888, as we have repeatedly stated, in fact even in response to prior posts by you, you must complete the tasks you are given before you will be allowed to progress to other worlds.

After you’ve completed all your required quests in Krokotopia, you can move on to Marleybone. So once again, complete the Krokotopia quests you still have in your journal. You will not be able to progress to Marleybone until they are all complete.

Julia RoseSinger is level 30, it's time you completed your required assignments in Krokotopia.

Mar 28, 2009
There is not "certain" level to get into Marleybone. Finish Krokotopia first.