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New Treasure Cards

Mar 14, 2015
So today I decided to farm Loremaster for the TC needed to craft the new spell for my storm. I was boxing on 3 accounts, 130+ runs and only 1 TC, and i mean only 1 of any of the new TC, it was not even the one I needed. That seems a little harsh for a drop rate. 3 accounts, technically 330+ runs and 1 tc, no new spells. Seems kind of useless and a waste of time. Is this going to be fixed, or places added to farm for the cards? A recipe to make them maybe? Something has to change!

Feb 24, 2015
I was going to make a thread about this too.

There are only two methods of gaining these new TC and neither one of them are all that great to be honest. I don't know the exact number, but I have spent quite a lot of crowns spread out over my 6 wizards and I only got a total of 8 of the new TC. No spells.

I spent a total of 5 hours on my fire wizard doing Loremaster and only received 1 Athena tc. Again, no spells. This is beyond rediculous. not the lack of spells the lack of the new tc. The drop rate for these tc really needs to be fixed, BIG TIME!

There should be many many more bosses that drop these treasure cards, or as the original poster suggested, a recipe for making the TC.

I'm not sure what Kingsisle was thinking when they decided the drop rates. Yes these new spells should be difficult to obtain. However, they should not be nearly impossible to craft!