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New Glitch in Mooshu

Oct 24, 2010
I was just playing in Mooshu, had just killed one of the two MOBS and surprise, surprise, another one joined.
I have reported this to support, but I'm hoping this doesn't continue to happen since it's certainly not fair game play.
And no, no one joined the duel. I didn't even have a minion up.

Oct 24, 2010
RavenLady777 wrote:
I was just playing in Mooshu, had just killed one of the two MOBS and surprise, surprise, another one joined.
I have reported this to support, but I'm hoping this doesn't continue to happen since it's certainly not fair game play.
And no, no one joined the duel. I didn't even have a minion up.

This seems to have been a one-time glitch. Thank goodness! :)

Aug 02, 2010
Yeah, the same thing happened to me too! I was sort of like: "Um, ok...." But i don't know.... :?