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My compass disappeared!!?

Jun 20, 2010
Looking for help here... My compass suddenly disappeared on me and I can't get it back! This happened once and I just logged off and entered the game again and it was ok. But now even though I exit the game it won't come back!!! And I tried to toggle on and off with the 't' key and went in gameplay options to enable the quest helper but NOTHING! I want my compass back... Does this happen to anyone else? Can somebody help please?

Have a great day everyone...

Kane Ghoststalker
Myth wizard

May 27, 2009
Do you mean your actual compass icon, or your Quest Helper Arrow. Sometimes the Quest Helper Arrow will disappear when you complete a quest and the next quest in line is one that the Helper Arrow is not available for (like the yardbirds, etc.) You have to go into your quest book and chose a different quest that the Helper Arrow can show, then make sure that the Helper Arrow is turned on.

If your icon disappeared, that would be very strange....

Hope this helped...

May 20, 2010