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Minor issue when equipping a new item

Jan 20, 2009
It would be nice if, when wearing an item that gives +hp, and/or +mana, when you equip a different item with +hp and/or +mana, your hp and mana total wouldn't jump down to the unaltered amount.

Is this what you mean?
-If you're wearing a ring that gives +100 health, and you swap it out for a ring with only +50 health, your maximum health will drop by the difference, which in this case is 50 points.

If so, then naturally your maximum health will drop, you took the higher powered item off.

If not, please explain what you mean more clearly, so I can answer your question.

Jan 20, 2009
Sometimes my desire to be concise gets in the way of clarity. Here's an example.

Ring A gives +50 health and +50 mana
Ring B gives +100 health and +100 mana

Player A has 1000 health and 100 mana with Ring A equipped. When Player A equips Ring B, his total health and mana will go to 1050 and 150, respectively. However, his CURRENT health and mana will go to 950 and 50, respectively (their value without Ring A equipped).

In other words, equipping Item B first UNequips Item A before applying its bonus.

Dec 02, 2008
Suppose that your base health without the ring is 1000 HP. You're wearing a ring that grants you +100 HP, and have the maximum health of 1100 HP. If you replace the ring by a different one that gives you +50 HP, your max health drops to 1050 HP. That's well and good.

The problem is that your current health doesn't drop to 1050 HP. Instead, it drops to 1000 HP. What the game implicitly does is to remove the first ring, see that your max health is now 1000 HP, and set your health to 1000 HP, and then leave your current health unchanged upon adding the second ring.

Jul 12, 2008
ProfessorGreyrose wrote:
Is this what you mean?
-If you're wearing a ring that gives +100 health, and you swap it out for a ring with only +50 health, your maximum health will drop by the difference, which in this case is 50 points.

If so, then naturally your maximum health will drop, you took the higher powered item off.

If not, please explain what you mean more clearly, so I can answer your question.

What she means is this...

If you have a ring that gives you 100 health and 100 mana, when you change the ring, your health goes down 100 health and 100 mana, even if you just switch to a 150/150.

It seems to act like it removes whatever you got from the original ring.

It leaves it to you now having to refill life and mana for the full amount of the new ring.

Heather Ravenblood
Level 50 - Grandmaster

I appreciate your desire to be concise :)
Quizzical has the right answer for you.

Thank you!

Dec 02, 2008
As I read the original post, it wasn't asking how the system worked, but why it worked that way. It strikes me as odd to truncate health at an internal step, too.

Dec 31, 2008
Basicly, because to put on the ring you have to remove the other. The ability to just click equip on a ring saves you time from unequiping an old item before equiping the new one the calculations still need to go through the steps.

A reason for this is without that you have slopping programing that leaves holes, like in other MMO's were people twink on gear way beyond their current stats by getting buffs, since a game usually only checks when you are equiping an item to see if it's legal. Some games do this on purpose but it can leave quirks if it isn't done carefully. Since they aren't making a game with buffs, it's easier and more stable for their program if they handle it the way they currently are.

Dec 23, 2008
I think you're correct but,when you equip a ring that is better than the won you have i believe your max health and mana should be left at where that ring was.What i'm sayign is that you shouldn't have to actually unequip the items but instead eqip the other item and be left with what the other item increased.

Dec 18, 2008
ProfessorGreyrose wrote:
Is this what you mean?
-If you're wearing a ring that gives +100 health, and you swap it out for a ring with only +50 health, your maximum health will drop by the difference, which in this case is 50 points.

If so, then naturally your maximum health will drop, you took the higher powered item off.

If not, please explain what you mean more clearly, so I can answer your question.

i think what he mean is if ring a does:
+50 health,
and ring b does +100 health, instead of you having full health when you equipt you have fifty less then max because you 'took off' the ring before putting on the other