Sometimes fish target my lure with their tails. I hear the "chomp" sound effect and see the invoke spell text appear, and then await my chance to reel it in. What's it chomping with, I wonder?
If it fails to take the lure underwater, it appears as though it swims out and away, then comes back to tail-slap the lure some more. When I do initiate the reel-in, the head-side of the fish points toward the lure again, as intended.
Sometimes fish target my lure with their tails. I hear the "chomp" sound effect and see the invoke spell text appear, and then await my chance to reel it in. What's it chomping with, I wonder?
If it fails to take the lure underwater, it appears as though it swims out and away, then comes back to tail-slap the lure some more. When I do initiate the reel-in, the head-side of the fish points toward the lure again, as intended.
I saw this a lot yesterday afternoon. It was pretty weird.