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Member benefits and changes to PvP gear purchases.

Feb 17, 2013
Hello, I have been playing this game for almost six years now! There has always been a space for this game in my collection, and I have enjoyed it over the years. I have noticed a few problems in the game that I feel like are really holding it back. All members should have access to more permanent benefits. Some would include double pet xp and gardening xp. As well as possibly a weekly gift, this could be a small amount of crowns or a pack. These changes would bring a higher incentive to purchase a membership; also the players would feel rewarded for spending time playing. Sales would also increase from a business end on Kingsisle's part. Another change that I have messaged about in the past, that needs to be implemented, is to remove the pvp rank requirements to buy gear. Some examples include the glemmington's level 50 gear and the any level gear referred to as the commander set. Some may argue, including yourself, that it would take away the reward aspect of PvP. Change needs to occur to this because if you look at the number of players who play PvP now compared to a few years ago, it can be seen that PvP is a dying activity in the game. It is very possible that player vs. player is dying because of the unfair advantage of gear. People who have the glemmington's gear, for an example, facing another lvl 50 wizard with the best purchased crown gear have a huge stat advantage over the other player. The player without the gear does not even have access to purchasing this gear until they reach warlord! Should they really not have equal access to this pvp gear that many people already have? It is a huge problem that needs to be addressed. I would propose that this gear should be purchased with arena tickets only and not depend on pvp rank. If you would like to keep a feeling of "reward and progression" make the gear cost a higher number of tickets so the player has to be more experienced in pvp. Don't punish players for not being able to get to warlord.

This is a proposal which I feel like would make the game more enjoyable for ALL players. After reading this if you have any edits or other ideas in general that you believe needs to be fixed, please leave a message below! Thank you fellow wizards!

-Jacob Frost