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meeting of chancel

Nov 30, 2010
hey guys everyone that has completed the chancel but hasnt gotten the xp lets meet somewhere so we can complete it together because i DO NOT feel like soloing it again so just post a realm and time you want to meet at and maybe we can agree on one see ya there

Jacob: GrandMaster Conjuer lvl 59

PS: bye xp i mean the glitch that wont let you move on with the game

Nov 22, 2010
Sinthar wrote:
hey guys everyone that has completed the chancel but hasnt gotten the xp lets meet somewhere so we can complete it together because i DO NOT feel like soloing it again so just post a realm and time you want to meet at and maybe we can agree on one see ya there

Jacob: GrandMaster Conjuer lvl 59

What xp did you not get?

You only get xp the first two times you do any dungeon, Chancel included.

You only get the big xp the first time.

If you do a dungeon when you are too low in level for it, you get far less xp even though it might seem like you're getting a lot than if you did it when you were the right level.

If you were:
1. the right level
2. this was the first time
3. you didn't get 2 xp amounts at the end of the fight with Salgio

Then there's a problem. I'm betting, however, that unless you damaged yourself by doing the dungeon a couple times when you were too low in level, that you got the xp, you just didn't see it

because when you kill Salgio what happens is:

the first amount of xp displays, then a whole bunch of drops display, making it scroll off the screen, then the second amount displays.