Dear KI, I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but the spells Mana Burn (and the one offered as the Lord of Winter spell's after effect) seems to drain both regular/power pip, as well as shadow pips, effectively making the spell(s) burn up 5 pips, as opposed to 3 as advertised. However, if this was intentional, and not a glitch/bug, would it be possible to update the card descriptions to include the shadow pip effects? Thank you for taking you time to read this.
Edit: Duelist101 has posted a video of the glitch in action (link will be included). All credit to the video goes to authors Eric StormBringer, Heather ShadowSlinger and Psylent Night. The glitch appears at 1:14:45. Hope the video of the glitch helps.
Mana Burn takes out 3 pips. Pips in this case being the little balls. It does not discriminate between regular or power pips, this is by design. If it is taking out Shadow pips, that might be a bug.