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Licorice Whip

Aug 06, 2009

I noticed something weird with the new black licorice whip. I decided to use it as a stitch on my death wizard and stitched it to my Uber wand for more damage. This changes the whip’s normal animation from the intended licorice animations into the old whip that was green that came in a bundle years ago. This animation is while idle when it lashes and during battle changing back to its original form as licorice. It does not appear to change color or animations when not stitched. I am not sure if the red one changes if stitched but it also remains as it should be if it’s not. It seems that there may be a bug with this wand when it is stitched, at least it was on mine. Please fix this because I much prefer the original animation and not the one I am getting after using my crowns to stitch it for higher stats. It honestly clashes with my gear, lol.

Nov 29, 2019
same thing happens with me. I stitched the red one and same thing happens where it changes to the Abyssal Eel Whip during the animation and in battle. I'm guessing same thing would happen with the green licorice whip. Hopefully they get this checked out and fixed asap.