Hello, just thought I report a problem that has been going on for a few months now. Ata Karanahn in the Tomb of Beguiler and the boss in Chamber of Souls appear to be in a type of invicibility state. You cannot do any single attacks on them at all. They can't be clicked on upon in other words. The only way to kill them is to do an AoE attack such as Sandstorm, Meteor Strike, etc. I don't know if any other bosses are going through the same type of thing on this world or in any others. I just happened to experience it a couple times on my noob characters. Happy Holidays and have fun.
You can also always click on the parchment for that creature that appears at the top of the screen. If you do not have this parchment at the top of the screen that shows their health and other information, you need to turn on your 2d Combat Display in the Options Panel.
You can also always click on the parchment for that creature that appears at the top of the screen. If you do not have this parchment at the top of the screen that shows their health and other information, you need to turn on your 2d Combat Display in the Options Panel.
While this is an option, it shouldn't have to be done. I complained about this to support well over 6 weeks ago, and they confirmed that it was a glitch. So why hasn't it been fixed?
From what I understand, it's also happening in Avalon.