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Inverted chat box stuck in bottom right corner

Aug 06, 2009
Hello, I am writing this based on an issue I have had with the Wizard101 chat interface. The chat box is inverted and stuck in the bottom right corner. Until recently the chat interface was working as expected. For some reason when I logged on today (2/22/2017), from my laptop, my chat box relocated to the bottom right of my screen; next to the spellbook icon. I cannot resize or move the chat interface because of this. The only thing i can do is open and close it. The icon to close the chat box is now located at the bottom left of the interface and the icon to resize the chat box is located at the top left of the interface. Only these two icons are visible, the rest of the interface seems to be some place off screen. Just to note, based on the feedback given to other people on the forums, I am not muted or any of the like. If i press enter, type something on my keyboard and press enter again, the text is visible to other players. It may also help to know that this is only an issue with my laptop, on my desktop the chat box works fine. If I had not seen this post: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/halstons-laboratory/text-chat-message-box-disappearance-8ad6a42b59b0d8530159c7a4b9bf38fc , I would have assumed this was an issue only with my laptop. However, now I would have to assume that there is some other underlying issue.

This has already happened to me once before, also on my laptop, and reinstalling the Wizard101 client seems to solve the issue, just like it did with the person whose post I linked above. However, the time it takes for me to re-download the textures and world data of the game does not make this a very viable solution to my problem if it happens again. It would be better if I could type while being able to see what I type without having to reinstall the game client every time this happens.

Thank you for your time.

Aug 06, 2009
In case anyone else has the same issue, I've found a much better fix to this problem; that does not involve reinstalling wizard101. This is a fix for Windows, if you have a Mac, the steps may be slightly different. Firstly, you will want to close the Wizard101 client. Right-click the Wizard101 shortcut on your desktop and select "Open file location." Your address bar should be as follows:

This PC > "Name of your hard drive" > Programdata > Kingsisle Entertainment > Wizard101

Double-click on the "Bin" folder, then locate the "Config" XML file, located within the "Bin" folder. Delete this file. Reopen the wizard101 client and log in to the game and go on to any of your characters. The chat box should no longer be stuck in the bottom right corner.