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High-flying mount bug

May 06, 2012

My friends and I have noticed a persisting problem with high-flying mounts and any mount which raise the view angle of the camera behind the wizard. The view does not stay above the mount like it should. Instead, after a brief period the view falls back down to regular walking height. This causes major problems with larger mounts like the Pygmy Grey Whale and the Malorian Dragon or the skyvern. Your view falls down and you are left staring directly behind the mount, filling the majority of your screen and blocking your view, inhibiting effective travel. Unequipping/equipping an item will revert the view angle back to where it is supposed to be, but only for a brief moment. Some of my favorite mounts are almost unusable due to this issue as I have found no way to avoid this problem besides using a standard, ground-level mount. It wasn't always like this, but it has been this way for quite some time now. If this issue were to be resolved, I would gladly ride with my friends around the spiral on these great multi-person mounts! I miss them.

Best wishes,
Cameron Starcatcher, Life, lvl 128

I'm unable to reproduce this in my testing. Perhaps you can provide more information. What resolution are you playing in? What zone are you in when this happens? or anything else you can provide to help me reproduce this will help me to track it down.


May 06, 2012

Thank you so much for responding! My friend and I have tested this out on both Mac and Pc. We have tested every available resolution to us on full screen, full screen borderless and windowed. We were each in multiple realms and in the commons areas on several different worlds tonight, but in other areas previously. In all cases the view falls. It is most noticeable on the pygmy grey whale since the body of the whale is so large it is the most difficult to see from behind. The hawks and ravens are pretty noticeable, too, but the drop in view happens on every high-up mount I have access to which includes the malarian dragon and skyvern. I commonly play multiple accounts at the same time. At the time my friend and I tested the problem this evening, both of us only had one account logged in. I have seen complaints on player forums about this very problem, so I know it isn't just my friend and I who are experiencing this.

I have pictures for reference but I am unsure of how to post where you can see them.

Thank you.