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have the commons been painted?

Feb 01, 2010
ok i have a level 19 storm wizard and while i was in krokotopia i thought i would go see if anything new was in the bazaar so i teleported back to my dorm and went through the commons gate and i soon as it was done loading that was like a huge slash of yellow and red right there and it wasn't on the ground it was like floating or something but the weirdest thing was if you turn at just the right angle it dissappears what is going on i have never seen anything this weird since i had 2 cyclops pets at the same time please respond

May 20, 2010
Dec 02, 2009
Jan 25, 2010
Those anomalies I see in the Commons and in Ravenwood look to me like BSP holes.

Strangely enough though, the one in the Commons is getting a texture applied to it when the one in Ravenwood doesn't get assigned a texture and is black.

BSP holes or HOM's (hall of mirrors) are not supposed to be getting assigned a texture because a BSP holes and HOM's are literally a hole in the world and a HOM is only reflecting a texture.

This cut in the Commons port-in area is being assigned a multicolored texture (maybe the default editor texture) which is physically impossible for a BSP hole or a HOM because because neither have a surface to apply a texture to.

So, if the cut in the world in the Commons has a texture it is not a BSP hole or a HOM but part of the physical world.

I lost track of a monk in a wall one time and he caused all kinds of problems until I figured out my mistake. He was invisible but by being inside of a solid where he had no business being his substance was creating a HOM upstairs.

Something might be out of place in the Commons and Ravenwood maps.

Even stranger, I only see this effect once when I go through there. I go through again later and these things don't appear so I think some function is dumping the garbage.

If this was a computer or driver error these anomalies would be consistent but they aren't since they may be leftovers from loading that area then when you leave and come back these things are gone.

Maybe something isn't taking out the trash soon enough after the area loads.