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Grub guardian drop rates have been decreased!

Oct 11, 2010
I have notcied the drop rates on both mega packs and energy bottles is now nil to none. Or part of the epic chance to drop with a GOLD score rating. It was something like 1/15 for a bottle and 1/19 for a mega pack now i have yet to see them and did grub 1000's of times with gold ranking scores. Only junk moolinda and packs and gold. So you get people talking how awsome grub is in game and then nurf the drop rate that is very dissipointing.

Anyone else notice this?

Maps I am talking about are
Alto Alto (scores of 5500+)
helephant tower in Wysteria (gold scoring of 5555-5630 every time)

Can you at least give us a 4x, 8x, 16x and 32x speed up options????? so it will be bearable :( takes 3 minutes to do hele tower for 780-1200 gold at 2x speed. Remember what keeps up subscribed for some of us is pet work.


Jul 15, 2011
Which level did you get mega packs on? Try wysteria's tanglewood way for energy potions. I get 1/15 or so.

Oct 11, 2010
Tatiana Winterhear... on Jan 2, 2013 wrote:
Which level did you get mega packs on? Try wysteria's tanglewood way for energy potions. I get 1/15 or so.
altoalto and castle avalon

Oct 11, 2010
tested other map does at times allow some, the rate is still way less than it had been. Keep the new maps and pets coming :-)

cheers and thanks for the reply

Jul 15, 2011
Thank you for the info. I'm still trying to figure out the avalon and azteca levels. LOL. I was able to get a hoard pack from alto alto with only a bronze medal. Was hoping I wouldn't have to level up a fire pet, but I think many of those maps need one. I normally use Mega Ice, epic balance or mega death. Balance is good on the wysteria map I mentioned, but ice works too.