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Gardening Spell list bug

Jan 11, 2012
Ok, so here's the problem. I have every spell in the game, but when i go into the interface to choose my spells, they're not listed properly. Here's what I see when on the ALL SPELLS view:

3 spells of regular soil, magic soil, sun, water, bees, magic, music, and L1 - L4 Pests, all in perfect ascending order of strength. Then I see:

L6 Pests
L7 Pests
L5 Pests

These should definitely be listed in the proper ranking. Then I have the other spells in this order:

Pungent Bug Spray
Growzone Layer
Solar Flare
Pest Zapper
Wind Chimes
Putrid bug Spray
Miniature Bloodbats
Summon Pixie

So, shouldn't the spells be grouped together by type then order of level? Right now, I see them like this:

Pest Prevention
Water Prevention
Bee Prevention
Magic Prevention
Sun Prevention
Pest Prevention
Music Prevention
Bug Prevention
Utility Spell
Utility Spell
Bug Prevention
Bug Prevention
Bug Prevention
Utility Spell (Summon Pixie)

If we followed the earlier order, shouldn't it then be:
Sun Prevention
Water Prevention
Bee Prevention
Magic Prevention
Music Prevention
Pest Prevention (in ascending order of spell/cost level)
utility Spells

Now, I will freely admit that I'm a bit particular about this, and feel the original order they used should maintain through the rest of the spells. All the spells function like they're supposed to, which is the important thing, but they're simply listed in the wrong order.