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Gardening Bugs and issues???

Feb 19, 2013

I have some of the new gardening bugs, the 48 hour ones from New World.

I am growning Honey Sickle for the blades.

I used BEE HIVE on my plants.


Please reduce the numbers of bees in BEE HIVE. It made it almost impossible for me to see the Pests flying around the plants. I would have missed it all togther but the plant that had pests was an outer plant. My wand happened to go over the plant and I saw it.


Once i realized I had at least 1 plants with rank 1 pests flying around it I cast the 96 hour pest spell putrid Bug Spray.

All the BEEs from BEE HIVE disappeared then.

Please post response regarding both items and your thoughts on each.

Thank you,