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Friends List Problems...

Feb 18, 2009
Good afternoon Professors and Mr. Lincoln,
I seem to have a slight problem. I was playing last night and had three different people IM me (so to speak) and all three of them are ones that I do not know. They were all asking for my help but I do not know who they are. So, I journeyed over to where I wouldn't be attacked and looked all over my Friends List to find there names. None to be found. I looked under the Online Friends, Offline Friends, and in the Ignored Friends List. None of them were anywhere to be found. I apologize that I can not remember their full names but the first names were Duncan, Sierra, and Tyler.

I have two sets of questions on this,

1) Is it possible for people on my secondary account to see me online under another name? I ask this because I have a secondary character on my one account that my son uses. These people may be in his friends list. I am not sure.


2) Are these people that I once had on my list and then deleted but I am still on their list somehow? I ask this because I do have a tendency to go to Wizard City to give away my unwanted Treasure Cards to those who will take them. I add these individuals just long enough for the trade and then erase them.

These are the only two scenarios that I can possibly think that could be happening. The only other one (but highly unlikely one) that I can come up with is that someone has hacked your system and is doing it just to be doing it. I say this because my good friend Iridian DayBringer told me that this has been happening to her as well. We were both in Big Ben last night when it was happening to both of us.

Can you please look into this for me?

Thanks alot....See ya in the Spiral,

Hunter SilverHeart