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Deck glitch

May 11, 2010
This glitch is making me so mad! My healing cards and minion summoning cards won't appear in battles.this is a major problem because I always lose if I can't heal. :( I have tried rearranging my deck but it doesn't work.I have 20 cards in my deck and 7 of them are healing or minion summoning, but they still don't show up.

May 31, 2010
GhostlyOtto wrote:
This glitch is making me so mad! My healing cards and minion summoning cards won't appear in battles.this is a major problem because I always lose if I can't heal. :( I have tried rearranging my deck but it doesn't work.I have 20 cards in my deck and 7 of them are healing or minion summoning, but they still don't show up.

Because you said your deck has 20 cards, I assume you might be a new life wizard? If so , when working with your deck , have you tried discarding more than one card? You can discard all of the cards in your hand if you want by right clicking on each one , the next round will bring up all new cards from your deck. Keep in mind discarded cards do not go back into your deck. You would need the spell "reshuffle" in order to put them back.

It can be common for some wizards with large decks to just place a few spells in their deck , and the reshuffle spell. No rule says you have to fill every spot .