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daybreaker and nightbringer

Oct 01, 2010
These spells appear to have no difference between tier 4 and tier 5. Up to tier 4 there are minor differences number of spells you can put in book, pip cost. However, the pip cost and number is the same going to the last tier.

On a second matter, please review the costs of these spells all together. They add 3 power pips and already cost a full round to the cost of a spell the round before. This puts a huge limit on their actual usefulness. If a coder familar with the spells in the game tries to actually conceives of good uses for the spell, you will find they are mostly unusable because of pip cost even at full pips. Even if applied to 0 pip spell, the hit in next round is limited to 8 pips. If you used it to trap before hitting, your hit would be capped at 6 pips. They would be actually fun if actually useful in practice rather than conceptually,