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constant glitch out

Jul 21, 2011
okay, so I'm always going from one shop or another and recently it hasn't been near as smooth sailing, its starting to drive me nuts. like when I enter the main court of Marlybone I can run all the way to the transit center and then it says that My connection is broken (which is crude because my WIFI is from the library so its full strength 24/7) and then it sends me back to the point I started from, BACK at the fountain
I'm not saying it did this one, its been doing this ALL WEEK and every time I leave one space to another, every alleyway I leave by entering a building ends up with me standing back in alleyway wondering 'is this the last time the glitch is gonna freak out on me?'

I mean the glitching is so bad, I've watched one of the rate men walk right through me and over the roof wall only to keep walking and disappear through the next building's wall
just how bad is this glitching that I can stand in the middle of a rat-man's path and not get drawn into a fight? I can't even gain health or manna! I can run around like a morron all I want but I can't interact with anything? what's the point of me showing up at a place if I can't do anything?!

please figure out what's going on, My temper is getting short because of this
I do not spend my few allowed hours on line just to deal with these glitches
if this keeps up there'll be no point in me even playing anymore because then I'm just wasting money on trying to get someplace that'll only kick me back out to my previous location
I mean, I can enter the second location but only on the second attempt, this is getting annoying!

Feb 20, 2011
It might have something to do with your OS. I have tried playing Wizard101 with a MacBook Air at my local library and I get the same 'connection' lost' thing and I am teleported backwards. If you have a mac (or are using the library's Macintosh) either try a Windows 7 or 10 computer, or try a library that uses PCs.

It also might have something to do with the fact that the Wizard101 requires more bandwith than other MMOs (Roblox, Runescape, etc.). The Gamebryo engine is infamous for having this issue. For example, GTA San Andreas uses the same engine that Wizard101 uses (Gamebryo); and this is probably why GTA San Andreas was an offline game.

Despite how fast your library's internet is, the number of people using the wifi can affect your connection to the Wizard101 servers. Try getting to your library before everyone else does.