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Classic 1v1 against Life wizards

Dec 31, 2016
In classic 1v1 life wizards have a major advantage to take allot of hits and still be alive do to the heals they can posses. Classic 1v1 should not be one by the amount of cards one has in there deck if both wizards have full health but one attacks the entire game and the other just spams heals and maybe even weaknesses.

Jan 19, 2009
My advise to you my friend is either make a life or create a character strong enough to one hit kill a life. I can do it and I'm pretty sure a bunch of people can do it. Don't complain on something that makes no sense. That type of rule and thinking would completely disregard the advantages and disadvantages of PVP. You see who your opponent is and strategize accordingly. In turns of PVP now there are cards and enough boosts out there to one hit kill any wizard anytime. Have a nice day.