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Balance and Critical Statistics

Jul 09, 2012
My Balance wizard has reached over level 50 and I cannot access a critical rating. All my friends received access to critical when they were sent to Diego in Unicorn Way. When I was sent to Diego he only gave me the option to train for a new card and did not send me to duel and learn new critical capability. What do I need to do to achieve critical for my Balance Wizard.
Please Help

Feb 07, 2011
Alura1969 on Nov 28, 2012 wrote:
My Balance wizard has reached over level 50 and I cannot access a critical rating. All my friends received access to critical when they were sent to Diego in Unicorn Way. When I was sent to Diego he only gave me the option to train for a new card and did not send me to duel and learn new critical capability. What do I need to do to achieve critical for my Balance Wizard.
Please Help
Hi, Jenna~ I'm not a hundred percent sure what your question is, but I have a level 87 Balance wizard, so will try and help you as best I can.

Completing Diego's tutorial does not "unlock" critical rating, but explains how it works. From level 50+, all schools can add critical rating to their advanced stats via gear and (temporarily) astral spells; your chance of critical, of course, depends on your school and may increase as you level up, but a big part of it is determined by what gear you equip. If you let me know what are you wearing/what stats your wizard currently has, I can help you figure out where things may have gone wrong.

Personally, my Balance wizard does not have a high critical rating~ because critical is (like most other things in the game) completely random, I was willing to part with it in order to boost my other stats. Because I used to be a solo player, I created a very defensive character (less than 15% chance of critical, but 40% universal resist across the board)~ now that I have in-game friends, she doesn't have to work as hard to stay alive, and I may build it back up if I can find the right gear combo.

What kind of character you create will determine your stats~ if you choose to focus on critical, your defensive stats will suffer, and vice versa. Part of the challenge with Balance is finding the, uh, balance... lol.

Hope this helps!