This is a long running problem with the Azteca quest "Induction Then Destruction". It turns off the quest helper, instead of just turning off the arrow like other quests do. This quest always deselects itself when you get it and cannot be selected, causing players to lose the main storyline.
This is a long running problem with the Azteca quest "Induction Then Destruction". It turns off the quest helper, instead of just turning off the arrow like other quests do. This quest always deselects itself when you get it and cannot be selected, causing players to lose the main storyline.
I am not sure if this is a 'no quest helper' quest, but keeping a clean quest book will help the situation. I had 24 pages of quests, and before questing Khrysalis Part One, I cleaned out the quest book by leaving yellow exclamation marks all over the spiral. I would do the initial turn in then port to a friend when the NPC asked if I wanted to do follow up work. Wysteria and Crab Alley are the worst because these quests are defaulting as a main quest line quests, and quest helper hops to these quests after doing a 'no quest helper' quest from the main.
It would be nice if KI implemented programming that allowed users to organize their books a little more. Even better, the ability to delete a quest from our books that is not the main quest line.