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all cards in combat are greyed out? Why?

Oct 22, 2010
I've had all my cards greyed out during combat. Is there a way to avoid this? May mana is full at the time.

May 27, 2010
unless you have the pips to cast them they are greyed out until you get the right amount of pips to use them

May 27, 2009
Well, if you have the mana, you must not have had the pips to cast the spells that came up. How many pips did you have at the time? What cards were in your deck when this happens? All high attack cards coming up is rare, but it does happen.

Nov 18, 2009
Did this just happen? Did you recently add new cards?

Although you may have enough mana, you also have to have the minimum number of pips that each card requires. If you don't have enough, then the card would be grayed out.

So, for example, if you put all high-level Treasure cards in your deck that require 4 pips each, you won't be able to use any of those cards until you've gotten 4 pips during combat (and, of course, each card would use up 4 pips).

The pip requirement is in the upper left corner of each card.

More info can be found in the Players Guide at https://www.wizard101.com/game/help

Sorry if that's something you already know, but thought it was worth asking.

Feb 01, 2010
make sure you also have enough pips to cast it as well otherwise you can't cast the spell

Joseph Thunderblade level 60 Legendary Diviner
Joseph Fireflame level 13 Initiate Pyromancer

Sep 11, 2010
Do you have all the pips you need to cast your spells?