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A Gigantic load of Bugs!

Sep 02, 2008
First bug sort of the day: A bugged bug.
I'm sure we all remember the lovely Jeweled Scarab, Don't we? Well.. One of it's legs is completely glitched out! You can see the lower segment of one of it's legs sag up and down, to and fro! It's honestly quite disturbing for an otherwise lovely mount.

Second bug sort of the day: Dragon bug.
This has been reported before, but not fixed. The Malorian dragon's camera view shifts up and down constantly, causing a horrible disconnect from the player to the game.

Final bug of the day (And possibly the worst) is: Dragonrider's beefy chest plate.
This bug happens with every single Dragon's hoard pack Robe.
So I was strolling along, having a ball, when I realized.. Wherever my wizard's arms went.. Part of the torso followed! It's to my understanding that it isn't meant to be a wing suit, So I urge you to fix this. The outfit is amazing and needs to be fixed.

-Mason Jadesinger