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No pet shop in GH!

Apr 01, 2009
I am a big fan of pets ( even when i dont train them ) but i am currently woorking on moo shu but i visited GH and when i went there i saw no pet shop later on i looked it up and nothing :( some explain to me why

Aug 23, 2009
My guess would be due to GH being a side world, pets weren't included; just like crafting, pets may be later integrated as a side component.

Dec 20, 2009
I found this out too. Why isn't there like a bear pet or something in Grizzleheim? I was disappointed when I found there weren't pets. I guess Grizzleheim bears are too afraid to catch some grendles or wildclaw or something! I wonder if there is some sort of secret pet shop like in Krokotopia. Oops. I just gave away a secret shop.