Hey Kingsisle but i got to say something. Ever Since you came out with Wintertusk all my friends are now Legendary and asking me for help with there lvl fifth tea eigthth spell quests. i got to go to all the area for them because the lack of doing the main storyline BEFORE doing wt. Another Thing my friends when they in wt i get asked for help 24/7 everyday. And i wanna quest in cl but everybody annoys me and says "can i have some help in wt?" and i say no all the time because i get asked to much. But i kinda think you really need to make it so that you have to unlock cl and do gh to go to wt. Because it wont be like just finishing gh and go to wt and be lvl 42. and being asked to help 24/7 and not being able to do your quests. so i am a gh hater but all my friends say "do wt you get to legenday quick!"
I dont see you have to help them they made there own choice they knew it would be hard because the level is almost up to par with that of celestia and if they look at the gear they should try to prepare for it better.
you make your own choices you dont have to help them be friendly but firm say something like 'no i need to do my own thing' or"if you arent ready for it dont do it and dont make me do something i dont want to".
You dont need to let them annoy you sometimes ask them for help if you need to they should because all the help you give them. i'm on for two hours a day or three i only help each person with three differant quests on average 5 people ask me for help a day at least 4 times if they are in mb and below and they are capable of doing something i dont help them. escpecially other myth students it's a strong school if they cant do something i was able to do that's there own problem.
Friends who are annoying,are not really friends. This is a personal issue you need to sort out rather than try and make it a issue for KI. A simple solution would be to choose your friends more wisely,and make use of the remove button for those who abuse the friendship.