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Jarl's recipe puzzle Winterbane gauntlet

Aug 19, 2010
I have an excuse on the Winterbane Gauntlet, so I need replies. Okay, so I was doing the Winterbane Hall dungeon for the first time today, and after getting past a fight of grendels and a boss grendel, I reach a room with a puzzle, the Jarl's recipe. And to get past the puzzle, you need to do the recipe the book says, however, if you do the recipe incorrectly, you have to fight two bosses at once. So I was with a group of four friends, and we decided to do the Winterbane mainly because of the mega pet snacks since we have very good hybrid pets. So since there were four of us, someone went to do the ingredients, and he told me to tell him the ingredients in order since I was by the book, and the other two wizards just waited for the puzzle to finish. But for some odd reason, the chat filters won't let me say the ingredients. How come it is not letting me use the name of the ingredients? It's not like the words are inappropriate or what not. KingsIsle, can you please tell me why the words for the ingredients filtered

Hunter LegendSmith 79 Transcendent