When do you rescue grandmother raven. I started to do grizzleheim just because i could get the lvl 58 and 78 pet for balance. When do you do it. Do you have ti finish the whole of wintertusk to rescue grandmother raven and get my judgement pet.
When do you rescue grandmother raven. I started to do grizzleheim just because i could get the lvl 58 and 78 pet for balance. When do you do it. Do you have ti finish the whole of wintertusk to rescue grandmother raven and get my judgement pet.
You need to complete Grizzlehiem, which is four areas with a Jotun fight to break it up and before you can enter the last area, RavenScar, to be able to enter Wintertusk, once there you only have to follow the main story line, which actually isn't too long, to enter the last area which does not have any fights to complete the Northern Exposure quest - once you hand that in you can go see your teacher for the pet fight. Your teacher will not remind you so you have to just go there.
These are both considered side worlds but if you don't do them you don't get your pets. I usually hit GH around lvl 25-30 because after the first 2 areas you have to be level 40 to return, I come back around level 45 and then return for Wintertusk around lvl 55.