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I can't beat skabroc!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 26, 2014
I am level 58 ice and I tried at least 10 times no exaduration but he doesn't die. I kill the minion, I put on shields, I get pips and all it does is get him down to 7000 then I just die. I am trying to get the snow angel spell and I can't because of this boss's difficulty. I need advice and help. The worst part is that I have the best stuff on I can find that gives me 4000 health and he still kills me almost immediately.

Mar 05, 2012
not sure if using crowns is an option for you; the level 60 life henchman is pretty good for this; its less expensive than higher level ones and she heals and shields a lot. you can also try some stat booster potions for this battle.

checking on wiz central for boss cheats/spell casts helps, so that you can set your deck for him.

good luck

Dec 06, 2009
For this battle I would stack Volcanic shield in my deck to nullify both the boss and the minion every time its cast.
I am primarily a fire mage, but these tactics will work for most schools.

I would if possible get amplify, fortify star spells and tough sun spell (or treasure cards).

I would put enchantments(if I don't know them), blades and traps in my side board.

My tactics would be to put up a couple of volcanic shields...then after I am reasonably safe for a few rounds destroy the minion. After that I would build build up some combination of 4-5 blades/traps (note TC blades/traps can stack with regular ones for double effect) and if possible 1-2 feints (regular and TC feint). Then I would hit with my biggest damage spell. In most cases 4-5 blades and a couple of feints will kill a boss outright, at least in my experience.

You could probably build up a deck of 15-20 cards that will give you everything you need. I would advise keeping the deck minimal on number of cards total with optimal placement of the necessary ones. 15 cards and a reshuffle is a good general number, at least in my personal experience...it keeps you from having to wait to get the cards you need when you need them.