ok, so i was wondering whether doing grizzleheim is absolutely neccessary or not. i mean i have already defeated malastire (sorry if spelled wrong) and everything seems to be going well. i am just not a big fan of grizzleheim (sorry wizard101 creators). i know you get the special spells but are they worth it and what are they? are they other spells also? thanks for any possible info!
Tiffany Pixigem- Level 49 theurgist Probably in Celestia
Well, yes if you want to go to Wintertusk, or get your level 58 spell and pet, you will need to do GH, plus some of the best gear & items to farm for gold or use are in WT. And if you are a badge person some of the badges are GH specific. Purely your choice, but just know if you decide not to it may handicap future ability to progress with spells, etc.
Grizzleheim is worth doing. It's a fun world, and has some drops that you can sell for 12,000 gold. And you get a cool level 58 pet. And you can level fast.