I have some really good advice for you ice wizards out there if you are close to the level 58 even by 10 levels beat grizzlehiem up to Ravenscar because the quest for Snow Angel needs you to be able to get to Ravenscar so ya just some advice.
I have some really good advice for you ice wizards out there if you are close to the level 58 even by 10 levels beat grizzlehiem up to Ravenscar because the quest for Snow Angel needs you to be able to get to Ravenscar so ya just some advice.
~Chris?IceBlade Level 59
All I have to say? Ditto. My brother is ice and he was uber upset when he couldn't get in for the spell. we spent the rest of the night trying to get me through GH (I was closer) so I could get him in. Trust me, you don't want to do that. You fight so many fire enemies you will start crying about not having Snow Angel