I think my average plant needs water and music and bug protection to the extent of three or even four casts per day, and at the cost of 3 energy points per cast that is 9 to 12 energy points spent per plant per day. Is this around what everyone else is experiencing? This amount goes way up when higher energy cards are needed for killing higher ranked bugs and the like.
I think either the energy costs need to be drastically reduced or the amount of times per day a plant needs stuff needs to be heavily reduced.
Also a quick note on upping everyone's maximum energy is that upping the mamimum amounts does nothing to increase the replinishment rate of energy in the balls, and by the time the ball fills you can expect plants to be in dire need of water, music, bug disinfection and whatever else.
I think my average plant needs water and music and bug protection to the extent of three or even four casts per day, and at the cost of 3 energy points per cast that is 9 to 12 energy points spent per plant per day. Is this around what everyone else is experiencing? This amount goes way up when higher energy cards are needed for killing higher ranked bugs and the like.
I think either the energy costs need to be drastically reduced or the amount of times per day a plant needs stuff needs to be heavily reduced.
Also a quick note on upping everyone's maximum energy is that upping the mamimum amounts does nothing to increase the replinishment rate of energy in the balls, and by the time the ball fills you can expect plants to be in dire need of water, music, bug disinfection and whatever else.
with this i do agree with but i think the plants would be dead and not revivable as the reviving spell eats a huge amount of energy. i still agree the cost needs to be greatly reduced or the garden will be reverted back to lawn and i will only grow the one tree as it will take all my energy to care for it alone.
Does anyone actually know what effect "Plant's Needs" have on the plant? Does it slow down the harvest time, or reduce the value of the harvest? Or, does it simply start to wilt after so many hours of having a need? If it just starts to wilt after 24-48 hours of "needing sun" then one would only need to check on the plants once a day...
For those who want to expend minimal energy go with the Giving Tree...yes, I realize it costs crowns, but besides being for charity, it gives a lot back. Beyond the rare reagents and good treasure cards, as well as gold, it gives good experience. If you go with gnomes only, one plant usually reaches first harvest in 50-60 hours, then harvests about once a day for 4-5 days, then elder harvest. The XP for gardening from one plant should take you to 7th level, and the most energy I have spent on one plant in a day is 14 energy (3 needs and a lvl 1 bug zap). Note, under the current sale, this is just $2.50 for those crowns spent on one plant...not a bad deal.