Once we have put our fish in the aquriams do we have to feed them and care for them just as we do the plants in our gardens? How would we do this, is there fish food to buy, etc?
Once we have put our fish in the aquriams do we have to feed them and care for them just as we do the plants in our gardens? How would we do this, is there fish food to buy, etc?
D. Shadowcaster
Good golly I hope not. I don't have any energy left after gardening, pet training and fishing as it is.
They just swim around.. no need to feed or anything.
First you need the correct size aquarium for the fish, there's 9 types. it's pretty much Small, Keeper, Whopper fish size and Long, Tall, Regular tanks for each size fish. When you place the tank in your house, click on the tank again like you want to move it, a little fish icon will appear to open the window to choose a fish for that tank. If it shows none, you don't have any fish of the correct size for that tank.